The fifth book in my Sex Positivity series is live: the Demon Module! Check it out, here ! Here's the front and rear covers, featuring the lovely Romantic Rose ! As for the module, it's another monster (so to speak) sub-volume. Contain 1,245 pages and almost 1,200 unique images, it explores the poetic history of demons, covering manmade, summoned and natural demons in exhaustive detail; i.e., Faustian bargains and the Promethean Quest; e.g., deals with the devil, exquisite torture, Gothic heroines vs demon lovers (re: Radcliffe) and more! The module has taken five months to write, but is actually based on an older manuscript—a Humanities primer I originally wrote in 2023. Having since written my PhD and three other books, I returned to the Demon Module after having finished my Undead Module and expanded on it big time! In fact, it's my biggest book yet, and I couldn't be prouder! Book details: My name is Persephone van der Waard and I am currently writing and i...
The horror blog about metal, videogames, and sex.